Current Time: 2015.5.22.星期五

English/中文 tel : 010-52805600

Current Position:Home > Team

We have the belief of putting people first and pursuing the essence of profession by diligence and expertise.

Our firm focuses on talent building, and engages and cultivates high-quality comprehensive talents with multiple professional knowledge. There are 1438 employers in our firm, including 609 certified public accountants and 10 International Certified Management Consultant. 158 of our employers are senior professors, associate professors, senior accountants, senior engineers, senior economists, certified consultants or senior management consultants. With the professional personnel of accounting, audit, securities and futures, asset assessment, taxation, finance, engineering, economic management and so on, our team, with a reasonable age distribution, is a professional vigorous and harmonious practice team. Supported by such an excellent team, our accounting firm is one with core competitiveness in the industry.